2. Rotatable Potential Fields
  3. Rotatable Simple Source Surface Fields
  4. Rotatable Realistic Source Surface Models
  5. Realistic Source Surface Magnetic Map

Potential Field: Rotatable Realistic Source Surface Models

This module allows you to examine the magnetic topology of realistic potential field models.

Dipole coefficients
g10, g11:
Quadrupole coefficients
g20, g21:
h21, h22:
Octupole coefficients
g30, g31:
g32, g33:
h31, h32:
View configuration
View angle:
Source surface radius:
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This option uses coefficients from the Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO). You can fill in the WSO coefficients up to order 3. Select the Input values option to evaluate the data input by you, or one of the other six options to display a set of WSO cofficients for different solar configurations. The source surface around the Sun is an imaginary radius at which magnetic field lines go radial. Usually the source surface is taken to be in a range of 2 to 3 times the radius of the Sun, R. You can vary solar radii value from a minumum value of 1 to a maximum value of 6. In the display, gray lines are closed field lines, red lines are open field lines (inward), and blue lines are open field lines (outwards). Small black circles map out the neutral line on the source surface, dividing the outward radial fields there from the inward radial fields. Regions with neither closed nor open field lines plotted here are regions with closed field lines that do not reach the source surface.